Following her brutal murder, a young Asian woman enters the waiting room between heaven and hell only to find her case worker overly curious and strangely alluring.

This work, a commentary on voyeurism and our societal obsession with beautiful dead women, reimagines what gendered justice exists in the afterlife. It honors the lives of Asian women, such as Elisa Lam, whose deaths have been heavily sensationalized in true crime.


Director: Diana Khong

Directors of Photography: Anqi Yu, Derwin Hernandez

Assistant Director: Isha Khaldihar

Production Design: Diana Khong

Costume Designer: Tiffany Cartagena

Composer: Obed de la Cruz

Audio Engineer: Nathan Sariowan

Production Assistants: Gwen Phagnasay Le, Aarushi Ahuja, Mylan Gray


108: Maia Nguyen 

The Host: Sarah Lee

Produced by Ma-Yi Studios


by Diana Khong