Mary Magdalene, Daughter, Boatperson
by Diana Khong
After their mother's death, three Vietnamese siblings find ill-suited coping mechanisms: the eldest gambles with the neighborhood aunties, the middle sibling falls in love, and the youngest encounters a goblin (in the form of an Asian grandmother) who tells her her mother has gone to hell. So she follows her down.
Playwright / Co-Director: Diana Khong
Co-Director: Eric Vuong
Assistant Directors: Lance Lee, Kyle Wang
Producer: Brianna Virabouth
Assistant Producer: Aurora Feng
Dramaturgs: Eva Hwang, Clara Dawn Luu
Stage Manager: Nhu Pham
Assistant Stage Managers: Cate Celio, Zoe Ong
Set Designers: Michelle Cai, Lisa Li, Christina Shen, Ashley Toribio
Techical Directors: Nathaniel Bernard, Jacob Vanegas
Props Designer: Jen Luo
Lighting Designer: Julie Keipp
Assistant Lighting Designer: Annie Zheng
Sound Designer: Ellie Stalcup
Assistant Sound Designer: Sarah Lee
Composer: Camilla Wickman
Costume Designers: Angie Casarez, Dana Chiueh
Hair & Makeup Designer: Stephanie Castaneda Perez
Graphic Designer: Shirley Wang
Social Coordinators: Chloe Chow, Evelyn Kuo
Má: Alexandra Huynh
Ms. Chu/Goblin Woman/Anne: Junah Jang
Joy: Gwen Phagnasay Le
Mrs. Huynh/Aunt Dao/Corner Store Owner: Dyllen Nellis
Joy & Mercy Understudy: Binh Nguyen
Six: Phong Nguyen
Jimmy: Bea Phi
Mercy: Serena Tran
Produced by Stanford University’s Asian American Theater Project (2022)